Tackling the Age Old Debate of Renting vs. Buying a Home
As young adults move out on their own, they start to look for a place to call home. For some, that means renting, while others are looking to put down more permanent roots. Both options have their merits. If you are trying to decide what is right for you it is important to ask yourself some really important questions. These will help you choose the next logical best step. Are you planning to stay in the area? For some people the thought of settling down is the furthest thing from their mind. Others are ready to find a place not just to live, but to call home. If you intend to stay in your location for a considerable time, you might want to purchase a home. If you are just not sure where the wind will take you, renting is a better option. Can you grow with a home? Many people purchase their first home assuming it will be a starter home only to stay longer than they originally anticipated because the market was not as kind on their investment as they had hoped. It is import...