
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Best Time to Buy or Sell a Home

You’re thinking about buying or selling a home. Eventually. But you know timing matters when it comes to such an enormous, and potentially life-changing, event. Which begs the question: When IS the best time to buy or sell a house? And does such a moment exist? If You’re Buying... The Best Month? January This is especially true if you are buying in an area with a cold, winter climate. There is less competition from other buyers during this time which leads to sellers being more motivated. However, this month holds true no matter where you’re buying due to the sheer fact that people tend to overspend during the holidays and can become financially insecure. A fact that can work in your favor as a buyer. The Best Day? The 1st Tuesday Why the first Tuesday? It makes perfect sense when explained. The seller no longer wants the home that he or she is continually writing mortgage checks to pay for. Those payments are usually due at the beginning of the month. Open...